
Interlegal participated in the Round Table on International Maritime Law

28 июля 2022 г.: ru 1 en 12 августа 2022 г.: ru 1 en 18 августа 2022 г.: ru 1 en 126.04.16

Vyacheslav Lebedev, consultant of Interlegal, participated in the Round Table on International Maritime Law, held at the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, with the report “Maritime law unification: is the unified law regime possible?” prepared jointly with Viktoria Ruseva, lawyer of Interlegal, graduate of this University.

Round Table, scheduled for one day – April 26, 2016, included presentation of several books: “International Private Law: Foreign Scientific Research” and “The Shipping Law Review” and was moderated by Timur Korotkyi, one of authors of the aforesaid guidebook (“International Private Law: Foreign Scientific Research”), whose report also aroused much interest among the Round Table participants.

Round Table turned out to be a vivid professional discussion. In particular, discussion touched also the issues upon defense of seamen’s rights, cooperation in fleet development, ship arrest, including in Black Sea Region, professional expert training in defense of seamen’s rights, and highlighted the private law aspects of marine environment international regulations and Black Sea ecological problems. It was devoted to public and private aspects of marine casualty investigation and marine protest, its role and essence in today’s merchant shipping. Special attention was given to economy- and science-based business plan development and regulatory acts aimed at restoring marine potential of Ukraine as a powerful marine state along the Black Sea northern coast. Private business and municipality capital implementation, in particular in Odessa, was recognized as one of the key directions in public-private partnership development which will facilitate achievement of the set goals.

Interlegal expresses gratitude to Round Table organizers for their perfect work. We hope also that such discussion format will become traditional, will narrow the range of concerned issues and will increase the depth of penetration into their essence.